A really happy birthday :D

2011-09-02 @ 16:02:23

Hi everyone! When I woke up this morning the kids and my hostmom had made me a super super nice breakfast with croussaints, chocklad cake, carrot cake, strawberries, orange juice and loads of other jummy things! They also had made me a bithday card..so cute! From the parents I got SURFING lessons! How cool is that?? I did'nt expect anything from the family and they really made my day! So THANK YOU very much!

At the time I am all alone in the house! That means: singing in the shower, dressing up and taking the car in to town for some shopping! When I come back me and Laura are going to Waitrose to buy drinks, food and things for tonight! We are going in the hottub before we're going to town! To night is celebrating night!

Tack så hemskt mycket för alla grattis hälsningar :) Jag saknar att fira min födelsedag i Sverige med alla vänner och familj! MEn jag är glad över att min hostfamilj har gjort allt för att få mig att trivas! Har haft en superbra dag och hoppas på en superbra avslutning:) Ha det bra! Puss & Kram


Postat av: jennie

Grattis igen! :) Kul att du har en bra födelsedag! Hoppas den fortsätter lika bra :)Kram

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